“Supporting you on your journey to a meaningful quality of life”

Hi, I am Mary Akioyame, and I am currently working as a CBT Therapist. I have five years of experience working and supporting children, young people and adults with managing mental health difficulties from various clinical populations, i.e. neurodevelopmental, neurological, substance misuse and physical health conditions. I’ve gone through several phases in my career and personal life, which have informed my current work ethos and philosophy.

The Life of A Psychologist


This is an written reflective blog, that talks about my career and personal life, which have informed my current work ethos and philosophy. if you are interested in update on new blog post, contact me via the contact section of this website and I will add you the email subscription list.

DISCLAMER: All client examples used in the blogs are not real-life cases and are made up for the purposes of explaining concepts.